Thursday 17 December 2015


In our music video we decided to follow a story line which involved the use of abuse towards a women. For example when josh grabs alix by the arm and turns her around. 

we decided to do this as it goes against the original music video even thought he is looking out for her in the origanal the words still reflect our idea because "i wont let go". We have interpreted this in another way. "I wont let go" meaning he physically wont let go of her. From research i found out that women tend to be scared of there partnerer and live in fear of what they will do if they was to leave them. Throughout the whole music video we can see alix is getting abused over time it gets worse and worse.
Josh (our male actor) gets more angry over a period of time not only destorying Alix's life and controlling her but he starts to destoy his own life because he feels as though she is slipping away. 

This is what tends to happen in real life the partner will get more aggressive and make there partner more scared and feel as though they have to stay with them to make them happy. 

At the end of the music video we see Josh walk away all smug as he does get his own way and Alix is still trapped in a toxic relationship. 

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