Saturday 12 September 2015

Target audience


  • 16-24- we have chosen this age range because the content of the video will contain some imagery of domestic violence therefore people under the age of 16 might find the video slightly distressing. there are some theorists that believe that children exposed to violent imagery will be affected negatively however this theory can be seen as outdated as more modern studies have found no scientific evidence to prove this. Additionally, people within this age range are often mature enough to understand the situation that the actors will be demonstrating in our music video. For our video we will be using actors that can get away with being at least 18 as we are unable to access people who are older and willing to take part in our video, therefore this age range will fit our target audience because they will be able to relate to the young adults within the video in terms of life experience, clothing and lifestyle. 


  • Male and female- mainly female as the female actor will be playing the 'victim' in this video therefore females watching the video might become more emotionally attached and gain empathy with the video because they might be able to relate to the situation, whereas males might find the video angering because it's stereotypical for men to abuse and control women and so they're being portrayed in a negative light. Furthermore, the tone to the singers voice is quite soulful which attracts women more than men, also the a straight female audience might find the male singer attractive. 

Social Demographics:

  • C1, C2, D and E- we have chosen these demographics because the majority of people within them are most likely to be young e.g. students at school/college or university which will fit in with our age range. In general, people in a lower social demographic spend more time online using low brow media therefore our video might reach out to these people as well as the topic expressed within the video. We aim to produce a video that is of high quality and provides a unique take on the lyrics which might spark more interest in more people, potentially those in a higher class or even younger people around the age of 14. 


  • The majority of our target audience will be unemployed or have part time jobs as they might be in some form of education. These people are more likely to have time to watch our video, unlike those in higher skilled occupations. 


  • Interested in watching music videos and keeping up with the latest trends in music
  • Enjoy socialising with friends e.g. going to clubs and bars, going out for dinner and other leisure activities 
  • Enjoy exercising e.g. going to the gym, taking part in team sports


  • We think our target audience will have a mainstream style e.g. jeans, t-shirts, jumpers, trainers/loafers/sandals, the colours of the clothing is most likely to change throughout the song as the atmosphere becomes darker. Additionally, because the song is of pop genre and a lot of people listen to this style of music therefore it seems ideal to dress the actors within the video in typical clothing associated with pop.
  • The music video will show two sides to the characters, particularly the female character as she will start out with natural, noticeable make up and towards the end of she will have barely any on to signify her depressed state. Therefore, the people that watch this video can either be people that take care in their appearance or those that aren't so bothered.


  • When relating our music video to Young and Rubicam's theory we would put our target audience in 'The Struggler' category as well as 'The Mainstream' category. This is because 

    Strugglers live for today, and make few plans for tomorrow, others often see them as victims, losers and wasters - aimless, disorganised people with few resources apart from their own physical skills, they are heavy consumers of alcohol and junk food. Visual impact and physical sensation are an important element of their brand choices and they often seek escape. Therefore this audience category links well with people who are interested in experiencing parts of life that aren't there own. Furthermore, it will suit a mainstream audience as the elements included within the music video will be everyday occurrences for people as well as the controlling element of it as domestic abuse and depression is becoming more common nowadays with one incident of abuse being reported to the police every minute. 

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