Monday 13 July 2015

Preliminary Task

Before our group decided on what we was going to do for our A2 course work on. We thought we would try and copy the Chris Brown music video "Please don't judge me". Before going out and filming different shots we watched the music video a few times over making notes of the different shots and angles. We also decided to use one of our peers in school to be our actor.

From doing this task we establishes that the camera isn't accurate to the distance that our character was standing. Most of the shots out side were also hand held in order to get the right shot/angle.
We didn't proceed with the effects on this preliminary task. But if we did we would of had to darken most shots as the time of day that this was filmed it was very bright and doesn't fit the genre. This is something we will have to be aware of in our final piece.  

At the beginning of this task we thought that the lip sinking was going to be a difficulty but our actor made this very easy for us as he was very confident in front on the camera. He didn't complain about any of the shots/actions we asked him to complete. 

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